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Quantum dynamics out of equilibrium

Nov 12th - Dec 14th 2007






Sep 10th- Oct 12th Nonequilibrium Steady States


Oct 14th- Nov 9th
Entropy Production, Transport, Chaos and Turbulence


Nov 12th- Dec 14th

Quantum Dynamics Out of Equilibrium






Program of the third month of the trimester



Week 9: 12/11 - 16/11

12/11 Robert Dorfman: 10-12 am

Quantum chaos and statistical mechanics

Lecture notes part 1

Lecture notes part 2

Lecture notes part 3


13/11 Robert Dorfman: 10-12 am

Quantum chaos and statistical mechanics

Lecture notes part 1

Lecture notes part 2

Lecture notes part 3

14/11 Robert Dorfman: 10-12 am

Quantum chaos and statistical mechanics

Lecture notes part 1

Lecture notes part 2

Lecture notes part 3


14/11 Stefano Olla: 1:45-3:45 pm

Macroscopic Non-Equilibrium Behavior of Chains of Oscillators

15/11 Robert Dorfman: 10-12 am

Quantum chaos and statistical mechanics

Lecture notes part 1

Lecture notes part 2

Lecture notes part 3

15/11 Sudhir Jain: 2-3 pm

Time correlation functions in complex quantum systems

16/11 Robert Dorfman: 10-12 am

Quantum chaos and statistical mechanics

Lecture notes part 1

Lecture notes part 2

Lecture notes part 3




Week 10: 19/11 - 23/11


19/11 Shmuel Fishman: 2-4 pm

         Transport in Chaotic Systems and Fingerprints of Pseudo-randomness

20/11 Robert Dorfman: 10-12 am

Quantum chaos and statistical mechanics

Lecture notes part 1

Lecture notes part 2

Lecture notes part 3


21/11 Shmuel Fishman: 10-12 am

Transport in Chaotic Systems and Fingerprints of Pseudo-randomness
Documents for the lectures  lecture notes

21/11 Stefano Olla: 1:45 -3:45 pm

Macroscopic Non-Equilibrium Behavior of Chains of Oscillators

21/11 Discussion on covariant Lyapunov vectors: 2 pm

22/11 Shmuel Fishman: 2-4 pm

Transport in Chaotic Systems and Fingerprints of Pseudo-randomness
Documents for the lectures  lecture notes


23/11 Shmuel Fishman: 10-12 am

Week 11: 26/11 - 30/11  

26/11 Maurice Courbage: 2-3 pm

On entropy increase in colliding particles

27/11 Italo Guarneri: 10-12 am

Aspects of Quantum Transport in kicked dynamics

27/11 Bernard Mehlig: 2-3 pm

Particles suspended in turbulent flows


28/11 Italo Guarneri: 10-11 am

Aspects of Quantum Transport in kicked dynamics

28/11 Stefano Olla: 1:45-3:45 pm

Macroscopic Non-Equilibrium Behavior of Chains of Oscillators

29/11 Italo Guarneri: 10-11 am

Aspects of Quantum Transport in kicked dynamics

29/11 Maurice Courbage: 2-3 pm

SRB measures for neural activity


30/11 Michael Wilkinson: 10-12 am

Dissipation and Universal Response in Complex Quantum Systems

Energy diffusion


Week 12: 03/12 - 07/12  


3/12 Michael Wilkinson: 10-12 am

Dissipation and Universal Response in Complex Quantum Systems

3/12 Pierre Gaspard: 2-4 pm

Classically chaotic scattering and nonequilibrium quantum systems

Lecture notes part 1

Lecture notes part 2

4/12 Pierre Gaspard: 10-12 am

Classically chaotic scattering and nonequilibrium quantum systems

Lecture notes part 3

Lecture notes part 4

4/12 Stefano Olla: 1:45-3:45 pm  Cours annulé

Macroscopic Non-Equilibrium Behavior of Chains of Oscillators


5/12 Michael Wilkinson: 10-12 am

Survey of dynamical processes

5/12 Stefano Olla: 1.45 -3.45 pm

Macroscopic Non-Equilibrium Behavior of Chains of Oscillators

5/12 Informal Wine Party: 6 pm

6/12 Michael Wilkinson: 10-12 am

Dissipation and Universal Response in Complex Quantum Systems

Two precise asymptotic theories

6/12 Maurice Courbage: 2-3 pm

Friedrichs dynamics applied to kaon decay and entanglement

7/12 Michael Wilkinson: 10-12 am

7/12 Topical afternoon on cold atoms 2 - 5:30 pm


Jean Dalibard: 2-3 pm

Henk Stoof: 3-4 pm

Achieving the Néel state in an optical lattice

David Guéry-Odelin: 4:30-5:30 pm

Last progress towards the generation of a continuous atom laser



Week 12: 10/12 - 14/12

Focus meeting




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